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좌측_배너 배너 001

작성자 한태일 목사
작성일 2016-05-05 (목) 05:52
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Senior Pastor's Column for May
Senior Pastor’s Column for May, 2016

Due to the release of a movie about the Christian Poet Yun Dong-Joo(1817-1945), there has been a recent resurgence of interest in his poems in South Korea. Yun was born during the Japanese colonial period; he enjoyed writing poetry with Christian themes, and majored in English Literature at a university in Japan. He died exactly six months before liberation from the Japanese, after suffering atrocities at their hands.  Here is one famous poem authored by Yun:
May I look up into the heavens until I die, without a bit of shame
From even the wind rustling the leaves, I have suffered.
With the singing heart of the stars I shall love all that is dying
And the road given me, I shall walk
Tonight also, the stars are touched by the wind
How enviable: a young man who shamelessly sought to love nature, his friends, and his country, before dying and entering into the arms of God at only 28 years old. Yun was able to live life without any shame in the eyes of the Lord.

The Apostle Paul, at the time of his interrogation by the Roman procurator Felix, having been detained while sharing the Gospel, confessed that this was how he lived his life: In Acts 24:16, Paul proclaims, “So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.”  And Paul was able to do this because of the hope he had in God, the God whom he would soon meet upon his death.

If we live a shameless life with our eyes toward Heaven, or if we live with a clear conscience to both God and man, then we need to love everyone around us equally.  What joy it would bring to God if we walked with integrity, and left behind traces of love on whomever we encountered? What glory it would bring to Jesus, if we would grieve and anguish over areas of weakness where our thoughts, words, and actions have given us a guilty conscience. If we would then cleanse our hearts of the filthy greed that seeped in, and return to a renewed clean conscience one that Christ calls us to.

This weekend we greet the arrival of spring with revival. I can sense the zealousness for hearing the Word of God, for new life within our souls, for our children to have new life in Christ, for our church to be reborn in Jesus, for the dead souls around us to experience new life, and for the world around us to experience it too.  That is why we must live without shame in front of God and His people, thus becoming a good influence on the world.

Finally, as we pray for each other as a church, and with May being ‘Family Month’, I pray that our families would experience and expose an overflow of God’s grace.
“Oh God my Father, my joy and my hope. Your grace is sufficient.  During this brief but long journey of life, many things have happened to mess up our lives here and there.  Yet still we are thankful that we exist because of the bread of life and the living water that will never leave us thirsty.  We do not know what story our lives will write going forward. We seek, Lord, that although we go forward not know what direction our steps may lead us, we go forward keeping our eyes focused on You, Lord, standing at the very endpoint of our lives.  We seek lives marked by an unshaking faith, steadfast hope, and overflowing love. As we remember our Lord walking up the steps to Golgotha, we pray that the Holy Spirit will help us as we plod along.  We will take life one step at a time, knowing that our Lord stands waiting to give us the eternal rest that comes at the end of this long journey. We will walk that journey with fear and trembling, but with a strong hope in our hearts of the resurrection that follows death.  And every footstep we will be looking at the blood and sweat of Jesus Christ, walking with the help of the Holy Spirit alone.  Help us, O Lord!  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Please go to gpcem.org to visit our new webpage.

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